1. Overpriced Goodwill Item of the Week: Comic Con! Like “Con Job,” Is What I Mean!

    Thank You Free Online Photo Editor!

    Here’s one for you comic book fans out there!

    How much would you pay for a big bunch of comic books — indeed, a laundry basket full of comic books?


    Wait, before you answer: What if I were to sweeten the deal and tell you that they all appear to be fairly recent — oh, between ten and twenty years old? None of that musty old “Golden Age” and “Silver Age” crap here, no sir!

    Got a price in mind?

    Well, don’t tell me yet, because there’s more:  It’s a veritable grab bag! And they’re all packaged up tight as a drum  — so as to the actual titles, you won’t know until you get home! Fun!

    Now what would you pay?

    Hold on!  Because you should know that a generous, nay, inordinate amount of packing tape has been used to securely seal them in their plastic tomb, er…tote! That is to say, you don’t have to worry about any of them falling out on the way to the car! Especially the ones on the top, to which the tape is directly, permanently and irremovably adhered to!


    So, whaddaya thinking, price-wise…?

    Well, what if I were to tell you that you’re wrong, and this treasure chest of comics is available to you for the incredible, amazing, fantastic, uncanny low, low price of…



    And don’t forget: You’re getting that laundry basket, too!

    Posted by on September 9, 2015, 2:35 AM.

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