1. Creme-Filled Oatmeal Cookies!

    I‘VE got a real knee-slapper guaranteed to get you in good with the cute broad behind the counter at the package store where you pick up your forties on the way home from work every night.

    Here’s a box of Mrs. Freshley’s Oatmeal Cremes. Sure, you know the ones – those individually wrapped creme-filled cookies. Our kids live on these things, and I bet yours do, too. They’re cheap and they let you buy them with your EBT card. It’s a food you can feel good about.

    But how can they sell a box of eight for a buck at the local Dollar Barn?

    A patented Ted Parsnips close-up  holds the answer!

    Ha! Priceless!

    Posted by on June 3, 2011, 1:36 PM.

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