1. Del Taco’s Up to Their Old Tricks! But In A Snazzy New Setting!

    HEY, they completely re-did the Del Taco near me!

    Look!  Look!

    Del Taco 1!

    And they did it all in one night! One crazy night!

    What’s more, I was like the first one to eat there once they reopened! That, friends, is commitment! First to eat there after the “re-do!” Let me in, let me in! Open the doors! Let me at those Macho Tacos!


    You’re probably saying, “Ted, we’re of course proud of you for your accomplishment, but in this economy, how on earth did they afford to renovate a restaurant that really wasn’t in bad shape to begin with?”

    The answer came just as soon as I ordered:

    “Welcome to Del Taco. What can I get for you?”
    “I’ll have the Number One please.”
    “Medium or Macho size?”
    “Oh…just medium.”

    Dammit!  Dammit!  I meant “regular.” Upsold again!

    It’s the Del Taco way.™

    Posted by on January 9, 2013, 10:32 AM.

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