1. NBC News Now Reporting The Future!

    The headline and lede from a news story posted at 2 pm on Sunday:


    Now, I’m hopeful that these four dozen people are all healthy and Ebola-free, and will continue to be so tomorrow, but if the “three-week watch period” ends on Monday, shouldn’t this article start with “Four dozen people who had contact with the original Ebola patient in Dallas will complete a three-week watch period on Monday presuming they continue to show no signs of having contracted the virus”…?

    Or maybe just wait until tomorrow when they’re all given clean bills of health to file the story?

    But perhaps I’m wrong.  Maybe the  NBC News Department now employ seers & fortune tellers – and the ubiquitous little reporters’ notepads, digital recorders and little press cards stuck in the hat bands of fedoras have been replaced with crystal balls, ouija boards and gypsy head scarves.

    Yes, yes, I know it’s nit-picky, but frankly, if it’s not bad journalism it’s at least solppy writign.

    Posted by on October 19, 2014, 2:39 PM.

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