1. Oh, Look! Here’s That ‘Blog’ We All Forgot I Had!

    “SORRY I haven’t blogged in a while…”

    How many times have we all read that, after doing a search on something, finding an interactive hypertext underlined word, or link [blogging term], clicking on same and then “surfin’ on in” (as you like to say), onto someone’s personal website who happens to have posted an entry about the specific thing you’re trying to find out about? A lot of times, sure. Back when we all read blogs, that is.

    So your introduction to this person who you aren’t the least bit interested in beyond whatever specific information you were looking for — a scanned owners manual for a late 1940s Norge RB 66-L refrigerator, a review of that seasonal Kwanzaa Crunch cereal that Quaker releases in December, the rollout of a new font in the aisle markers for a southern US grocery chain, whether that new cheese store got in a shipment of desiccated pomelo cheddar (and if it, yet again, has special ‘holiday’ hours), etc. — that brought you there in the first place is…that he (or she! #MeToo!) is apologizing for not blogging more.

    How lame is that!  And like anyone cares!

    Besides — was the world really suffering from a dearth of poorly written pieces that go on and on and on about people who bring dogs into stores, or what the calcified old biddies at some incompetently managed San Fernando Valley women’s club are up to this week?

    No, certainly not!  I haven’t posted new material in over two blessed years, and rather than apologize, I expect your gratitude for not doing so!  Yeah! You’re frickin’ welcome!

    And what’s more — now you’re all going to pay, all, what, six of you, because I’m back, brother!  I’m back and more inane and out of touch than ever! If the posts I was banging out on this site were embarrassing to read before, you ain’t seen nothing yet!

    …Or who knows, maybe this’ll be the sole entry for 2019 and then this thing just withers here, swaying in the wind like a desiccated pomelo until I stop paying the cost to host this thing and it just disappears, forgotten as quickly as a reference to linoleum block-printing on a LiveJournal.

    Either way, be sure to check back every day and see! Maybe next time I’ll include an inside joke crafted just for you! 

    Posted by on September 3, 2019, 1:15 AM.

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