1. Oy Vey For Hollywood!

    Oh, sure!

    Sure, I sell one or two (allegedly) pirated movies on DVD at the Rose Bowl Swap Meet the one Sunday some asshole from the legal department of some pissant production company that specializes in TV movies for Lifetime happens to be there with his ugly girlfriend who he tries to impress by calling the police on me…and $160,000 and ninety days in Men’s Central later – after Paramount and Warner Bros. and Universal and RKO and Disney all band together and decide to make an example of me – what do I find at my local Council thrift store but a plastic storage tote FULL of these things, for a buck a piece!

    I was charging five! At least I wasn’t undervaluing these films!

    So that’s how you spell her name!  On my DVD covers, I had “Glen.”

    Anyway, the fact that the studios have no problem whatsoever with the National Council of Jewish Women thrift stores selling these movies go to prove what we’ve known all along, folks. Oh, we all know it, sure – we’re just not supposed to say it.

    Thrift stores run this goddamn town.

    Posted by on March 7, 2012, 12:01 AM.

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