1. Surety Regular Absorbency Pads! Now Available at Goodwill!

    I‘LL ADMIT up front that this particular Overpriced Goodwill Item of the Week might be a stretch. I can’t definitively say that these are priced too high because I was just a boy when Mother would send me to the store to buy them for her; this was of course years ago – I don’t remember how much they were going for then and I can’t imagine they’d cost the same today.

    Asking Donna, my wife, is equally useless because she buys hers by the bale from a livestock husbandry supplier. (Then once a month she, the kids and I have a sort of Family Home Evening where we sit around the living room, and with templates I fashioned using leftover linoleum from our kitchen remodel, trim them down to the right size while discussing current events. The surplus I save for eBay packing.)

    So I could be wrong on this, I don’t know.

    I’ll leave it up to my, what?, six readers: Is $3.99 a fair price for a package of 22 regular absorbency pads that were donated to a thrift store?

    Things to consider:

    • The per-pad cost ends up being just over 18¢.

    • They have that patented Instabsorb Layer™ for quick absorption.

    • These pads feature Omni-Odor Guard™ – handy!

    • Though each weathered package is dingy, scuffed and faded, and was sharing space on a shelf with a handful of pointy tent stakes, I didn’t see any tears so you probably won’t be bringing home bedbugs. (And take my word on this one: you don’t want bedbugs “up in there.”)

    Hell, if it turns out this is a good price, I might swing back there and pick up a package or two. It’s Donna’s birthday next week.

    Posted by on April 27, 2012, 4:47 AM.

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