1. ¿What’s Bueno At The Dollar Store? Dr. Jekyll & Mr. David Hyde Pierce!

    HERE’S what’s bueno at your local Dollar Tree for Halloween: Scary lenticular portraits!

    Lenticulars (“flickers” some people call ’em) are those plastic-ridgy pictures where you look at it one way, you see one image, you look at it another way, you see a different image, and you look at it the wrong way and it’ll kick your ass.

    These dual-image Halloween prints in the dollar stores have been around for a few years now — but this particular one bears worth mentioning:


    First of all, it’s pretty damn big:  The main image is about 7″ by about 11″ and with its “frame” it measures about 12″ by 16″.

    But more than that — it looks like David Hyde Pierce!

    I mean, it’s not just me, this is a manipulated photo of David Hyde Pierce, isn’t it?  They took a picture of him and messed around with it, right? Gave him glasses, drew on a mustache (poorly), maybe put him in different clothes, and called it a day, I’m thinking.

    Compare & contrast for yourself!


    Okay, well, that’s not helping my case.

    It’s almost as though it looks more like Mr. Pierce if you don’t have an actual photograph of the actor to compare it to. But still, you’ll agree it sort of evokes the feeling of David Hyde Pierce.

    Unfortunately, this being a lenticular, it’s very difficult to photograph it decently and not get either a glare off the plastic ridges or a partial view of the secondary image (in this case, a skeleton):


    Be that as it may, we’re rating this Halloween Lenticular From Dollar Tree That May Or May Not Have Used A Photograph Of David Hyde Pierce As Its Source Material…


    5 out of 7 dollar signs!

    …because it’s so big, it looks pretty cool, and, most of, because we’d all like to imagine a scene in “Frasier” where Niles enters his brother’s apartment carrying Dollar Tree bags (perhaps during the lean days of his separation from Maris) and announcing, “Apparently there’s something called a ‘dollar store’…”

    Posted by on October 28, 2015, 2:41 AM.

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